P/N 42-9470 11/07 Copyright 2007 Mestek, Inc.
Cast iron condensing boiler
Cast iron condensing boiler
— Installation and operation manual
Handling ceramic fi ber
and fi berglass materials
boiler contains some ceramic
fi ber and fi berglass materials. Ceramic
fi ber materials, such as the burner gas-
ket, may contain carcinogenic particles
(chrystobalites) after exposure to heat.
Airborne particles from fi berglass or
ceramic fi ber components have been
listed as potentially carcinogenic by the
State of California. Take the following
precautions when removing, replacing
and handling these items.
Protective measures
Avoid breathing dust and avoid contact with skin
or eyes. Wear long-sleeved, loose-fi tt ing cloth-
ing, gloves and eye protection. Use a NIOSH
N95 certifi ed respirator. Th is respirator meets
requirements for protection from chrystobalites.
Th e actual job requirements or NIOSH regula-
tions may require other or additional protection.
For information, refer to the NIOSH website,
htt p://www.cdc.gov/niosh/homepage.html.
Ceramic fi ber removal
Ceramic fi ber removal: To prevent airborne dust,
thoroughly wet ceramic fi ber with water before
handling. Place ceramic fi ber materials in a plastic
bag and seal to dispose.
Avoid blowing, tearing, sawing or spraying fi ber-
glass or ceramic fi ber materials. If such operations
are necessary, wear extra protection to prevent
breathing dust.
Wash work clothes separately from other laundry.
Rinse clothes washer thoroughly aft erwards to pre-
vent contamination of other clothing.
NIOSH First aid procedures:
Eye exposure — irrigate immediately
Breathing — fresh air.
Read before proceeding
Failure to adhere to the following
could result in severe personal
injury, death or substantial property
Licensed technician only
Th e procedures in this manual must only be done by
a qualifi ed service technician. Some details of service
procedures are left to the expected good practices of a
qualifi ed technician.
Electrical shock hazard
Except when the boiler must be tested or adjusted with
the power on, always turn power
before sevicing
the boiler.
Burn or scald risk
Always allow the boiler and parts to cool before
att empting to service or remove. Some parts may be
very hot.
Do not open water piping components unless the wa-
ter has been allowed to cool to avoid scald hazard from
spraying hot water.
Test/verify the boiler after servicing
Following service of any kind, verify that the boiler,
controls and system devices are fully functional by
performing the appropriate start-up testing procedures
given in this manual.
If any pressure-tight seal is broken for servicing (such
as combustion chamber/burner seals, air or vent piping
joints or seals, or gas piping joints or seals, make sure
the seal is restored when servicing is complete. Gas-
kets must be in good position and placed as originally
Read the instructions
Do not att empt the procedures in this manual without
thoroughly reading the instructions given. Follow all
If problems can’t be resolved
If following the procedures in the
manuals do not
resolve problems, contact Mestek for technical support
to resolve the issues.