EC Declaration of Conformity
We the undersigned
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
Central Avenue, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9QG
Declare that the machine Described Below:
Make & Type: ................................ Ransomes Greensuper 55
Category: ....................................... Single Unit Walk Behind Cylinder Mower
Series: ........................................... VH
Engine: .......................................... Kubota
Type: ............................................. GH 120R-4-EC
Net Installed Power: ....................... 2,8 KW
Cutting Width: ................................ 55 cm
Complies with the provisions of the following European directives and amendments and the regulations
transposing it into national law:
Machinery Safety Directive: ........................... 98/37/EEC
EMC Directive: ............................................ 89/336/EEC
Noise in the Environment Directive: ............... 2000/14/EEC
Measured Sound Power Level ........ 95 dB(A) LWA
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: .... 100 dB(A) LWA
Conformity Assessment Procedure: Annex VI
U.K. Notifiable Body (No.1088): ..... Sound Research Laboratories Limited
Holbrook House, Little Waldingfield
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 0TH
Operator Ear Noise Level: ............................. 84,1 dB(A)Leq (98/37/EEC)
Complies with the following harmonised standard or technical provisions:
Machinery Safety ........................... EN836
Hand Transmitted Vibration ............ ISO5349: 1986
Whole Body Vibration .................... ISO2631-1:1985
Keeper of Technical File, Place & Date of Declaration:
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
Central Avenue, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9QG
1st August.2001
G. A. Walker
Engineering Director
Certificate Number:4117938-GB