General Instrument Setup
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
4. Edit the line configuration as described in
"How to configure a new transducer line"
5. Save the new configuration by selecting the "Save" button.
The new transducer line is displayed in the overview and can be activated.
How to delete an existing transducer line
1. In the "Transducer" dialog box, select the transducer line.
2. Select the "Delete" button.
3. Confirm the message.
The transducer line is deleted. After the next sweep, the originally measured val-
ues are displayed.
How to configure a new transducer line
1. In the "Transducer" dialog box, select the "New" button.
The "Edit Transducer" dialog box is displayed. The current line configuration is dis-
played in the preview area of the dialog box. The preview is updated after each
change to the configuration.
2. Define a "Name" and, optionally, a "Comment" for the new transducer line.
3. Define the scaling for the x-axis.
4. Define the data points: minimum 2, maximum 1000:
a) Select "Insert Value" .
b) Define the x-value ( "Position" ) and y-value ( "Value" ) of the first data point.
c) Select "Insert Value" again and define the second data point.
d) Repeat this to insert all other data points.
To insert a data point before an existing one, select the data point and then
"Insert Value" .
To insert a new data point at the end of the list, move the focus to the line after
the last entry and then select "Insert Value" .
To delete a data point, select the entry and then "Delete Value" .
5. Check the current line configuration in the preview area of the dialog box. If neces-
sary, correct individual data points or add or delete some.
If necessary, shift the entire line vertically or horizontally by selecting the "Shift x" or
"Shift y" button and defining the shift width.
6. Save the new configuration by selecting the "Save" button.
The new transducer line is displayed in the overview and can be activated.