User Manual
1.Cross Set
2.Create Group Cross
3.Delete Group Cross
Cross Set Command:1-3, Menu Display: M, Return: Q Command:
A.22.1 Cross Set
In cross setting menu press number key 1 to configure the cross connect:
Input Group Number (1-8):
First input the cross group number, which should be number in range of 1-8. There are 8 cross
connect data groups in RC3000 that divided into 4 E1s (1-4) and 4 user group (5-8):
First Channel:
There are two parts of configured data for each channel: a group number and a channel number
(there must be space between the two numbers) such as: 1 1, 0 0 indicates deleting the cross
connection of this channel. Press ENTER for the configuration of the next channel (for unfinished
entering you cannot start to configure the next channel and the invalid data will be discarded).
Second Channel:
Press ENTER to confirm configuration (or skip that channel’s configuration and the old value will be
reserved), press E key to finish configuration, and ESC to cancel configuration.
A.22.2 Create Group Cross
In cross setting menu press number key 2 to create group cross:
Group No. for Time Slot Out:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 8, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number, if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Time Slot Start No. for Time Slot Out:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 31, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Group No. for Time Slot In:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 8, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discard; if valid there will
be next item configuration.
Time Slot Start No. for Time Slot In:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 31, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Time Slot Number for Create Cross:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 31, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of