Trouble Shooting
Smoke seeping through the door:
• Not enough draft in the chimney (<12 Pa)
• Check if there are any obstructions in the chimney or the wind pipe
• Check whether the kitchen exhaust fan is in use and if so, turn it off and open the
window for a short period of time
Soot on the glass:
• The wood is too damp
• Make sure that the stove is sufficiently heated up before closing the door
• The air control has been set too low
The stove burns too quickly:
• Gasket may not be tight, please check and replace if necessary
• Chimney draft maybe too high >22 Pa, if this is the case, please install a damper
The stove is burning too slowly:
• Not sufficient amount of firewood
• Not enough air is getting into the stove
• Blocked chimney
• Leaking chimney
• Leak between chimney and pipe
If the problems continue we recommend contacting your chimney sweep or your local
RAIS dealer.
Chimney fire, soot fire or creosote fire:
In case of a fire in the chimney quickly close all doors, dampers, vents and call your lo-
cal fire department. NEVER use water to extinguish the fire.