After first-time use
If AED were operated for an actual emergency situation, AED maintenance manager
shall check-up followings to make AED ready to be used again anytime for everyone.
Exterior inspection after AED operation
Check exterior appearance of AED, and if it is necessary, please remove
contamination. For damage recovery on AED, please contact customer
technical support
Components management after AED operation
If AED pads were used or unpacked, please replace the pads to new ones
If AED delivered electric shocks at least over 3 times, and Shelf Life is
expired (2 years from shipping date), RADIANQBIO suggests replacing
the battery to new one. Suggested battery Shelf Life is 4 years in standby
To clean the AED, wipe the AED with a soft cloth that has been dampened by one of
the following:
• Soapy water.
• Isopropyl alcohol (70% solution).
For cables and pads, follow cleaning instructions in the directions for use shipped
with those components. Avoid spilling liquid on the AED, especially in connector
areas. If liquid is accidentally spilled on the AED, clean and dry thoroughly before
reuse. If in doubt about AED safety, refer the unit to qualified service personnel or
your local supplier for checking.