Racelogic Ltd
Congratulations on your purchase
and welcome to the worldwide
DriftBox community.
With your DriftBox you will be able to display
and log your drifting performance. DriftBox
also generates a performance related Drifting
Score, which you can submit to the DriftBox
website for inclusion in the worldwide DriftBox
drifting league tables. See how your skills
compare to other DriftBox users from around
the world at
With DriftBox it is very easy to measure
acceleration times, braking distances, quarter
mile times and many more. There are a
number of configurable screens that show
specific test results such as 0-60, 0-100, 0-100-
0, ½ mile and ¼ mile etc.
DriftBox is based on the Racelogic VBOX,
which is used by the majority of Car
Manufacturers, Tyre Manufacturers and car
magazines around the world to assess
Because it is very easy to edit the test ranges,
DriftBox is a very powerful tool for use in many
different kinds of vehicle testing.
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