9. All other error codes.
Turn off the key, and disconnect the positive battery cable from the batteries for more than
one minute (the time is needed to drain the controler on-board capacitor). Reconnect cables, being sure that it is
tight. Too loose and you will burn battery. If you over tighten the cables you can damage the battery lead terminal.
Try again.
10. If the problems cannot be solved by any of this solution, call your local dealer service department.
5. 7700.
Vacuum motor circuit is open.
6. Throttle error.
You pressed the foot pedal before
turning on the key. Turn off the key and try again, leaving
foot off of the pedal.
7. 2C00 and 2C01 error.
Low voltage warning. Voltage
has dropped down below the minimum required to
operate the machine. If you wait a few minutes, the
batteries may come up in voltage, allowing you to drive
very slowly to the recharge station. If not, you will have to
release the parking brake (on the front wheel, pull lever
toward the front of the machine to release) and push the
machine to recharging station. You must disconnect the
traction motor! (+ cable first)
8. 7802 error.
The traction motor pulled excessive current
perhaps running a ramp for more than the 60 seconds
allowing for this. Turn off the key, turn on again, and
continue. You should not use this machine to climb ramps
so steep and so long that this code comes up repeatedly,
or you could overheat the traction motor.
Troubleshooting Central Command