Technical Guide: RDMS Telnet and Serial Control
Quasonix, Inc.
0 - Disabled (C band tunes directly)
1 - Enabled (C band tunes to downconverted P band)
Downconverting antenna is disabled
DA 0
Set downconvert antenna state to Off (Disabled); C band tunes directly
DA 1
Set downconvert antenna state to On (Enabled); C band tunes to downconverted P band
**Downconverting antenna control only available when using a 5-band downconverter AND P and C bands are
enabled. Differential Decoding - DD
The Differential Decoding command displays and controls differential decoder settings (SOQPSK mode only).
Differential Decoding for DPM defaults to Disabled (Off).
DD <e>
- Sets the differential decoder enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
differential decoder disabled Digital Output Muting - DOM
The Digital Output Muting command displays and controls lock detect controlled output settings.
DOM [<e>|T <t>|C <e>|D <e>]
<e> - Sets the output muting enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
T <t> - Sets the output muting unlock timeout to <t>, 0 to 46016 ms
C <e> - Sets clock output muting on unlock to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled