Take the tailgate bar and orient the
“C“-Channel with the round seal facing
down and slide the “C” Channel onto
the rear window retainer as shown in
FIG 54 & 55. After sliding the retainer
all the way through the “C” Channel,
roll the tailgate bar into the mounts
with the outside of the fabric facing to
wards the rear of the Vehicle (Fig 56 ).
Step 13: Securing the tailgate bar &
rear window to the vehicle
Once the Tailgate bar i
move to the rear driver’s side corner
mounts and “roll” the plastic into
corner mount as shown in FIG 57.
Lower zippers on both sides of the
rear curtain
and then secure the rear
zipper cover
flap as shown in Figs 58
& 59. Repeat
this procedure on the
passenger side.
FIG 54
FIG 55
FIG 56
FIG 57
FIG 58