Operating manual HR9
Pattern settings
You can choose from a maximum of 4 patterns per program.
Choose from pattern A, B, C or D.
You need at least the operator password for all changes in pattern settings.
The number of visible tabs is influenced by the chosen patterns in the program
settings. This must first be filled in correctly
At the bottom we see six buttons, all of which have a function and are visible in every screen of
the Program settings; they are explained below:
Go to previous screen of pattern settings
Modify the program to be changed. When pressed, a pop-up with a drop down
list will appear in which you can choose a program
If you put a program in test mode, changes will be made immediately but not
saved; as soon as you turn test mode off you will be asked if you want to save it.
If not, all changes will be reset.
Save program & pattern settings
Go to next screen of pattern settings