15 luglio 2019
Digital I/Os cable
This cable has a screw terminal block to let the user connect the 13 pins for
the digital I/Os communication. In the other end there is a Molex 24 pins
connector, for the external driver’s port
2. Figure 4-3 Cables with connectors
and terminal block to connect the STOshows the pin-out of the cable.
Figure 4-7 Cable with connectors and terminal block to connect the digital I/OS pins.
The digital inputs are listed below:
: digital inputs ground;
: fully opening at maximum speed;
: fully closing at maximum speed and force;
: fully closing at 25% of speed and maximum force;
: fully closing at maximum speed and 75% of force;
: fully closing at 25% of speed and 75% of force;
: correct termination procedure to use before switching off.
All these states are activated by a pulse of a few tenths of a second on the
respective 24VDC digital input (with respect to the IN_GND which acts as a
ground for digital inputs). If the input remains high, the others can still be
activated, but the high one will not activate until it returns to "0" (0 VDC)
and then again to "1" (24 VDC).