Installation Guide / ComT 2.0: 5°, 10° and 15°
Code-Compliant Planning and Installation Guide V1.0 - Complying with AS/NZS1170.2-2011 AMDT 2-2016
ECO – Rail perpendicular to ribs
Note 32. Clamping zone of the PV panels should be according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Note 33. The most conservative spacing has to be used if one panel or panel row fall between two
roof zones.
Note 34. Roof Zone definition for tilted systems where roof angle is between 1° to 30°.
Step 1. Determine building height (h), width (b) and length (d).
Step 2. Choose the lowest value between "h", "b x 0.2" and "d x 0.2".
Step 3. The lowest value on Step 2, equates to a.
Roof Pitch < 10°
Roof Pitch > 10°
Flat/Mono – Slope Roof < 10°
Flat/Mono – Slope Roof > 10°
- Certification -