EDDYSENSOR Operating Manual
Set the delay required for Output 2 on the OUT2 switches. The duration of
the signal is set on the OUT2 WIDTH switch.
Standard pulse rate: 1 pulse/cm.
Therefore, the OUT2 delay for a paint marker at a distance of 10m = a
setting of 1000.
The WIDTH for OUT2 is set to 2 and, thus, the duration of the signal is the
value of 200 ms.
Set the delay for Output 1 on the OUT1 switches. The duration of the signal
is set on the OUT1 WIDTH switch.
The OUT1 delay for the flying saw at a distance of 22.5 m =a setting of 2250.
The WIDTH for OUT1 is set to 0 for the default signal duration of 1 s.
Setting of the delay and
Set the PRESCALER according to the type of encoder used in the line. The
PRÜFTECHNIK standard encoder delivers 1 pulse/cm and does not
require a prescaler. The switch must be set to 0.
Setting the PRESCALER