ProLinx DNPS
ProLinx Gateway
DNP 3.0 Slave
User Manual
Page 60 of 86
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
December 1, 2009
DNP Digital Output Data
This data type stores digital control and command state data received from the
DNP master unit with a value of 1 or 0. The size of this data area is determined
from the configuration parameter Binary Outputs (defines number of words, each
containing 1 binary output point). These data are transferred from the module to
the other protocol using the write operation. Therefore, these data are read-only
for the other protocol, as the other protocol cannot directly alter these values in
module. It is the responsibility of the DNP master unit to maintain this data. For
example, if the DNP master sets a digital point on, it will remain on until the
master resets the point.
The following illustration describes data flow for the digital output data.