ProLinx DNPS
ProLinx Gateway
DNP 3.0 Slave
User Manual
Page 62 of 86
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
December 1, 2009
DNP Analog Input Data
This data type stores analog data with a data range of 0 to 65535 or -32768 to
32767. The size of this data area is determined from the configuration parameter
Analog Inputs. These data are transferred to the module from the other protocol
using the read operation. Therefore, these data are read-only for the module and
the DNP master unit. When the module receives a new block of this data from
the other protocol, it compares the new values to those currently in the database.
If there is a change in any of the data, the module will generate an event
message for the points that change. The dead-band parameter configured for the
module determines the variance required for the event message.
The DNP master unit can read the current value data and the event data from the
module. Event messages generated by the module can be retrieved using a poll
for Class 3 data, as all analog input events are considered a Class 3 data type. If
unsolicited message generation is enabled in the application, the events will
automatically be sent by the module to the DNP master unit when the maximum
event count for Class 3 data is reached or when the timeout for unsolicited
messages is exceeded.
The following illustration describes data flow for the analog input data.