HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
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1.2 Features
The PLX51-HART-4x can interface analog HART devices to either EtherNet/IP,
Modbus TCP/IP, DNP3 TCP/UDP, PCCC (AB-ETH), or FTView systems.
The conversion to EtherNet/IP enables a HART device to be added directly into the
IO tree of a Controller/PLC (e.g. Allen-Bradley Logix Controller).
The Modbus TCP/IP option enables a HART field device to be viewed as a Modbus
Server, while the DNP3 option converts a HART field device into a DNP3 Outstation.
The DNP3 option supports Secure Authentication, ensuring secure communications
across the Ethernet network.
The PLX51-HART-4x supports PCCC (Allen Bradley legacy protocol – AB-ETH),
which allows an SLC / MicroLogix / PLC5 to read data from HART field device and
write data to HART field devices.
The PLX51-HART-4I or PLX51-HART-4O modules support direct access from a
FTView SCADA or PanelView to read and display data without the need for an
intermediate PLC or controller.
The PLX51-HART-4I or PLX51-HART-4O module also has automatic extraction and
updating of multidrop HART devices which can be accessed via Modbus TCP/IP,
FTView (using CIP parameter objects), or PCCC. When using an EtherNet/IP source,
the user can select either the new or legacy tag format for updating Logix tags using
direct-to-tag technology, where no PLC programming is required.
In addition, a rich collection of process and diagnostic information is provided directly
into Logix, without the use of any explicit messaging. HART commands can also be
relayed to the device using an EtherNet/IP message relay object.
The PLX51-HART-4x modules also allows the sending of custom HART messages
using EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP. This will allow the user to read or write specific
configured HART commands with custom data from the interface protocol (e.g.
A DTM (Device Type Manager) is available for simplifying device configuration and
management using an FDT frame.
A built-in webserver provides detailed diagnostics of system configuration and
operation as well as field device specific diagnostics.
The PLX51-HART-4I or PLX51-HART-4O module is configured using the PLX50
Configuration Utility. This software can be downloaded from
Hereafter the PLX51-HART-4I or PLX51-HART-4O module will be referred to as the