HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 28 of 127
Figure 3.16 - Channel configuration (PLX51-HART-4O)
Each of the channel configuration tabs consist of the following parameters:
Table 3.2 - Channel configuration parameters
Enable Channel
Used to Enable or Disable the entire analog channel.
Select either 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA.
Note that HART communication will be disabled if the 0-20 mA range has
been selected.
Raw Max
The upper milliamp value to be used for the scaling to engineering units.
The scaling to engineering units (EU) is calculated as follows:
EU = EUMin + (RawValue – RawMin) * ((EUMax – EUMin) / (RawMax –
Raw Min
The lower milliamp value to be used for the scaling to engineering units.
EU Max
The upper engineering value to be used for the scaling to engineering
The scaled engineering value will equal this value when the current is
equal to the Raw Max value.
EU Min
The lower engineering value to be used for the scaling to engineering
The scaled engineering value will equal this value when the current is
equal to the Raw Min value.
The time constant, in milliseconds, of the first order filter applied to the
analog signal. A value of zero implies no filtering.
HART Communications
Enable HART
Used to Enable or Disable the HART Communication.
This should be disabled when using standard (non-HART) analog field
Enable Dual Master
When this option is set, the PLX51-HART module (as the primary HART
Master) will allow communication to be shared with a secondary HART
Master (e.g., a handheld programmer or calibrator).