HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 107 of 127
Figure 5.13 - Channel Status – Device Info
Table 5.10 - Channel Status Parameters – Device Info
Manufacturer ID
The field device manufacturer unique identification code.
Device Type Code
The device type code assigned by the manufacturer.
Device ID
The device identification code assigned by the manufacturer.
Sensor Serial Number
The serial number of the field device sensor.
Sensor Unit Code
The engineering unit code used for the sensor limits.
Sensor Upper Limit
The upper limit of the sensor in the aforementioned engineering units.
Sensor Lower Limit
The lower limit of the sensor in the aforementioned engineering units.
Preambles Required
The minimum number of preambles required by the field device to
process a HART request.
Universal Command
The universal command revision supported by the field device.
Specific Command Revision The specific command revision supported by the field device.
Software Revision
The software revision of the field device.
Hardware Revision
The hardware revision of the field device electronics.
Function Flags
The Device Function Flags as reported by the field device.
Sensor Minimum Span
The minimum span allowed by the sensor.
The Device Status tab displays the status of the analog and HART interaction with
the module.