5.6.9 Line Conditioning Setup
This option allows user to change various detection and warning levels for input AC voltages, qualified and
unqualified values, transfer & re-transfer setting points for going in & out Battery mode, Boost or Buck modes.
See detailed descriptions in the following Parameter Description table.
Electrical equipment is designed to operate at maximum efficiency under specific standard supply voltage. Buck
and boost voltage regulator is an ideal solution when the line voltage is consistently higher or lower than
nominal. The transformer can buck (lower) or boost (raise) the supply voltage without battery backup or
involving other active UPS board level components.
When activated, the transformer will automatically switch to the secondary tap to buck or boost voltage 10% to
keep the output voltage within acceptable range.
Improperly parameter value setting can cause
permanent damage
to the unit. Changes should
only be made by qualified and trained personnel.
Parameter values are interdependent. Changing one value can affect range and permissible value in
another field. This feature is to avoid users entering contradictory values.
Users can change parameters as following procedure.
Step 1: Go to the Menu 5.
Step 2: When Parameter Change Screen appears (Figure 22), type the new value within acceptable range and
press Enter. The screen will return to the Line Slow Detection Screen. For example:
Low Limit [088] Enter new value. (088->120)
Name of Parameter
Current Parameter Status
Parameter Limits
Figure 22: Parameter Change Screen (Slow Detect Low Limit Screen Shown)