Prism Sound ADA-8XR Multi-channel A/D D/A Converter Module Reference - Revision 1.01
© Prism Media Products Limited, 2001-2005
Page 3.41
It is possible to use both the 'squid' and MAC-DSD interfaces simultaneously, providing output
on both interfaces and input from the selected interface.
8.4 Module Dependent Input Options Menus
When a DSD I/O Module is selected as an input to a Path, the Input Format Selection Menu
for the relevant module slot becomes available in the Module Dependent Input Options
section of the Menu System for that Path.
The upper left-hand corner of this menu identifies the Module Slot (e.g. 'DI1'), followed by an
abbreviated indicator of the menu function.
For more information about the location of this menu within the overall Menu System,
descriptions of the different menu types, key definitions etc. see the Firmware Reference.
8.4.1 DI Input Format Selection Menu
The DI I/P format menu is a Single Selection menu - the DSD I/O Module in question may be
set to:
'SDIF-2' - inputs are via 'squid' cable in SDIF-2 (DSD-RAW) format
'SDIF-3' - inputs are via 'squid' cable in SDIF-3 format
'MAC-DSD' - inputs are via CAT5E cable in MAC-DSD / SuperMAC format
'SRC' - inputs are connected to module outputs internally (used for sample rate conversion)
This option only affects the selected Module.
8.5 Module Dependent Output Options Menus
When a DSD I/O Module is selected as an output from a Path, the Output Format Selection
Menu for the relevant Module slot becomes available in the Module Dependent Output
Options section of the Menu System for that Path.
The upper left-hand corner of this menu identifies the Module Slot (e.g. 'DO1'), followed by an
abbreviated indicator of the menu function.
For more information about the location of this menu within the overall Menu System,
descriptions of the different menu types, key definitions etc. see the Firmware Reference.
8.5.1 DO Output Format Selection Menu
The DO O/P format menu is a Single Selection menu - the DSD I/O Module in question may
be set to:
DI1 I/P fmt: SD3
DO1 O/P fmt: SD3