Bad Bar Code Error Detection
The ODV-2D examines every bar code that passes under the beam and sends an analysis report to the
printer. If a bar code is reported to have failed to meet any of the acceptance criteria, an error condition is
reported. How the printer then reacts is described in
Validator Action (Error Action)
Missing Bar Code Error Detection
A bar code may print so poorly that the ODV-2D cannot detect it, and the printer does not receive an
analysis report for the code. To catch this problem, the printer tracks the position of the last label printed
and knows when it should have completely passed the beam. It can then compare the number of bar code
analysis reports it expected to the number it received. If the printer does not receive enough bar code
reports, it enters an error condition. How the printer then reacts is described in
The number of bar codes expected is determined one of two ways:
If Auto is selected for the
ODV-2D > Control > Number of Codes
parameter, the printer compares the
number of bar code commands it receives from the software to the number of analysis reports it re-
ceives from the validator.
You can set the number of bar codes generated by a bitmapped image that the printer should expect
per form by selecting a value in the
ODV-2D > Control > Number of Codes
This option
should not be used (even with graphics) unless the default “Auto” selection is not working.
Validator Action (Error Action)
The printer response is the same whether the error stems from a bad or missing bar code. It is determined
by the
ODV-2D > Control > Validator Action
menu. This section will provide details on each particular
selection and how it affects printer operation.
Forms Printed After an Error Detection
Because of physical differences between the location of the printhead and the beam, one or more forms
may print after a bad form (a form with a bar code error that the validator detected).
The number of forms printed after a bad form depends on the
Media > Image > Label Length
Media >
Speed > Print Speed
, and
Media > Speed > Slew Speed
settings. Shorter forms and faster speeds tend to
increase the number of forms printed before the ODV-2D has a chance to detect an error. Also, the
ODV-2D may not detect an error on forms that have bar codes near the bottom of the form until the next
form has already started printing.
Forms that print after a bad form are treated differently, depending upon the error action mode selected
(see Table 6). Modes that require a reprint operation may need to reprint more than just the bad form.
Table 6 Actions Done to Forms after a Bad Form
Validator Action
Action to Forms after a Bad Form
Tagged as failed, even though it was never scanned.
Retry Form
Overstruck and reprinted (default).
Stop & Retry
Not applicable (all forms are scanned once).
Rescan Form
Scanned. If error persists, it will be rescanned and
Scanned. If error persists, it will be overstruck and