User Manual
ScanLog 96 Pen Drive Version
In case of any of the above Error Messages, make sure that the Pen Drive is firmly inserted in the USB port and retry the
operation by acknowledging the error message through front panel ENTER key. If the error persists, replace the Pen Drive.
Table : 3.1
Error Message
What it Means
Copy (New)
Re-copy (Old)
Copy (New)
Re-copy (Old)
Copy (New)
Re-copy (Old)
Copy (New)
Re-copy (Old)
Unable to open an existing file or
create a new file.
Unable to write records in an Open
No space on Pen Drive to continue
writing records in an Open file.
Unable to close the file after
successful downloading
Unable to rename an interrupted
file for back-up
Unable to delete an interrupted file.
Cant Open File
Cant Write File
Bal 1234
Disc Full
Bal 1234
Cant Close File
Cant Rename File
Cant Delete File
Recover, Copy(New), & Re-copy(Old) Operations
The ‘Recover’, ‘Copy (New), & ‘Re-copy(Old)’ options are similar in operations as they all download (copy) records available in
the internal memory onto the inserted Pen Drive. The difference lies in the set of records that is downloaded.
The ‘
Copy (New)
’ operation downloads the records that are not yet downloaded even once, that is, “new” records. After
successfully downloading the “new” records, the ScanLog retains this set of records as “old” records until next successful
‘Copy (New)’ operation is executed.
The ‘
Re-copy (Old)
’ operation downloads the set of records that were successfully copied during last ‘Copy (New)’ operation
and were, thus, retained as “old” records. This feature allows re-gaining the copied records in case the Pen Drive fails or
malfunctions after copying records or after inadvertent deletion of the record file from the Pen Drive.
The ‘
’ operation copies the records that were being downloaded in the previous ‘Copy (New)’ or ‘Re-copy (Old)’
operation that was interrupted.
Upon selecting one of the above 3 operations, the ScanLog opens an existing file or creates a new file for downloading the
records (refer section “File System for Write Operation”)
If there is an error in opening/creating a file or deleting/re-naming a file (while creating back-up file for ‘Recover’ operation) or
any other errors encountered while downloading the records; the ScanLog displays an appropriate error message. The Upper
Row shows the message while the Lower Row shows the numbers of records pending for downloading.
For various error messages, the operation types for their occurrence and the meaning of the errors, refer Table 3.1 below.