© Powrachute, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Original Issue Date 28.05.2007 Revision Date: 28.05.2007
Pilot Operating Handbook
Model: PEGASUS 582
4. Emergency Procedures
4.1. Emergencies During Wing Inflation
Any anomaly that occurs during the inflation of the wing prior to take off
that does not immediately correct itself or cannot be corrected prior to
actual takeoff is cause to abort the takeoff. Close the throttle, switch off
the ignition (MAG Switches), push the flight steering foot bars full forward
and pull in steering lines by hand to collapse the wing behind the aircraft.
Inspect the aircraft for any source of trouble or review your takeoff
procedures for any problems. If corrections cannot be made, suspend
flying activities till corrections are made. If possible, make necessary
corrections, pack up the wing, go back to the end of the runway, setup and
try again.
If cart rolls over do not try and stop it with feet or hands. Keep hands and
feet tucked in. STUT down the mags and when roll over has stopped
release your seat belt and help passenger if needed.
4.2 Emergencies in flight
The most likely emergency in flight is loss of engine power. The first priority
in such an occurrence is to pick out an emergency landing site and begin
procedures to approach and land maintaining control of the aircraft
throughout. If you are at low altitude you may have very little time to make
a safe landing. Concentrate on the safe landing task first and foremost.
If you have a lot of altitude allowing time to determine the cause of the
engine stoppage, you may attempt a restart or other action after
selecting a landing site and beginning the emergency approach. In the
majority of cases a safe restart is unlikely so do not spend a great deal of
time on this effort. Concentrate on making a safe landing first.
The power off landing will be at a much higher sink rate that the “normal”
landing with power on being used to control the sink rate. Begin your
landing “flare “ at about 15 ft up and use full flare to keep the touchdown
as light as possible. Use full flare and pull in the steering lines by hand as in
a normal landing.