© Powrachute, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Original Issue Date 28.05.2007 Revision Date: 28.05.2007
Pilot Operating Handbook
Model: PEGASUS 582
Steering Bars
- As you sit in the pilot seat, your feet should rest comfortably on the
steering bars. Adjust the steer bars so that you can fully depress the bars. The
steering bars control the direction of the craft while in the air. Depressing the left
steering bar causes the craft to turn left, while depressing the right steering bar
causes the craft to turn right. The chute steering lines should be firmly attached to the
trim lock.
- The engine primer is located by the throttle on the right side. The primer is
used to aid in easy engine starting. By priming the engine with fuel prior to starting,
the engine starts much easier than with a choke. The primer can also be used in an
emergency to shut down the engine (should your mag switches fail, for example). To
shut the engine down with the primer, simply pump the primer until the engine floods
with fuel and shuts down.
Optional Brake -
Powrachute offers a disk brake option. The brake allows the pilot to
control taxiing speeds while on the ground. Note that the effectiveness of the brake is
diminished by the lightness of the machine’s front end, so the brakes should not be
relied upon to quickly bring the machine to a full stop. The brake lever is mounted on
the ground steering lever.
Nylon Riser Straps -
The parachute is mounted to the Pegasus airframe via extremely
strong riser straps, total lift capacity 24,000lbs. The straps combine high strength
with some elasticity to provide safe yet smooth flight. The riser straps should be
carefully inspected before each flight, and the parachute should be secured to the
straps only by a qualified instructor.
disconnect your chute from the straps
unless you are qualified to do so.