MAN-230000-00 REV B
The post stand should be bolted to the floor using the hole pattern shown
(Figure 5). The post-stand base plate has four 0.55-inch diameter holes
suitable for ½-inch mounting hardware.
Note that the holes in the upper
portion of the base plate section must be on the left and right sides
of the installation
(Figure 7).
Figure 5: Post-stand mounting-bolt pattern
The post-stand brackets (Figure 6) are fastened to the inside of the base
plate, using the supplied 1/4-20 bolts and lock washers. Finger-tighten
only at this time.
Again, note the brackets are on the left and right
sides of the installation.
Figure 6: Post-stand bracket
The upper section of the post stand can now be placed over the top of the
base plate and brackets. Note the mounting studs for the iHF3 charger are
on the front surface of the upper section. Fasten the upper section to the
post-stand brackets with the supplied 1/4-20 bolts and lock washers. All of
the bracket bolts can now be fully tightened.