EC Declaration of Conformity
We hereby declare that the following machine, its design and manufacture, comply with the
health and safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The machine furthermore complies with the EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and the
EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC.
This Declaration is not valid for any modifications to the machine which are not approved
by us.
Wood splitter - HydroCombi 18 GS
Item no.:
M6190M , M6192M , M6194M , M6196M , M6198M
Serial no.:
from 1,133,001A
To implement the health and safety requirements mentioned in the EC Directives, the
following standards are applied:
▪ EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design
▪ EN ISO 4254-1 Agricultural machinery – Safety - General requirements
▪ EN ISO 13857 Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and
lower limbs
▪ EN 349 Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
▪ EN 60204-1 Electrical equipment of machines
▪ EN 609-1 Safety of log splitters
▪ EN 574 Two-hand control devices
▪ EN ISO 4413 Safety requirements - Hydraulics
Internal measures ensure that this series of devices always complies with the requirements
of the EC Directives and the applied standards.
The following notified body
„PZ.LSV" (Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle des Spitzenverbandes der landwirtschaftlichen
Sozialversicherung [Testing and Certification Centre of the Central Association of the
Agricultural Social Security Fund], Weißenstraße 70 – 72, 34131 Kassel), notified under
registration number 2157,
has carried out the occupational safety examination.
The product is identical to the tested model that, under the number
▪ LSV-GS-2010/135
has received a certificate for occupational safety.
Below is the name and address of the person who signs the above EC Declaration of
Conformity and is authorised to compile the technical documentation.
Leibnitz, date:
Gesellschaft m. b. H.
Paul-Anton-Kellerstrasse 40
8430 Leibnitz, Austria
Ing. Johann Tinnacher
Managing Director
EC Declaration of Conformity