3.6.4 Removable Disk
In the case of errors with the SD card, this function can try and restore lost data, or format
the SD card.
formatting the SD card will remove ALL its data. Please back up any
recorded data the user wishes to keep before formatting (see section 3.3).
To format the SD card, select ‘Format’, then ‘Start’.
4.0 Evidential Support
4.1 Saving to Your Computer
When you have made a record of an incident you wish to upload to YouTube, we
recommend that you save it (backup) to your computer, or another medium, whether
you have set your Justice Camera to overwrite files or not (see section 3 above).
There are several ways of doing this but, for those who are not particularly computer
literate, we recommend saving it to your desktop at least until you learn about storing
and locating files. It is easily done, easily found and easily accessed later.
To save a file to your desktop, having selected the one you want as described above,
simply right click on the file and then select ‘Send to’ from the options displayed. Select
‘Desktop (create shortcut)’ from the options in that menu and your file will appear as an
icon (with its time/date stamp to identify it) on your desktop. It really is that simple.
We cannot repeat too often the need to save to your computer any recording which you
wish to use again, particularly for evidence, but even just for uploading to YouTube for