Instructions For Use
PDS-801-007 Revision 2
Step 7: Dealing with Alarm Events
This Step outlines the procedure for dealing with alarm events on the RR Monitor. The alarm cannot
be permanently disabled. Interacting with the device pauses the alarm until the next RR calculation
occurs (up to 50 seconds). If alarm condition is met at this point, the alarm will reactivate. The Alarm
Status LED and Sounder may be disabled in lobe settings. In this event the user will receive limited or
no indication of the alarm event from the Lobe.
The Lobe can emit an alarm tone and LED signal in response to the following events:
Patient’s RR has equalled or exceeded the upper or lower threshold limits.
Lobe is no longer receiving signal from Sensor.
If the user is currently in the dashboard view, the alarm status will also display on the indicator panel.
If the user is currently viewing a patient’s detailed results when those Lobe beings an alarm cycle, the
alarm status will display on the screen.
Measurement results should be scrutinised in light of the condition of the specific
patient. Any results that are inconsistent with the clinical status of the patient
should be rechecked and/or supplemented with additional physiological data.
Failure to adequately assess patient can lead to unnoticed adverse events.
In cases where the Alarm LED and/or Sounder have been disabled on the lobe, the
alarm system may be rendered useless. This can lead to unnoticed adverse events
and failure to alert user to abnormal breathing rate. Only alter LED and Sounder
settings under medical supervision.
In cases of high or low respiratory rate readings the clinical status of the patient
should be assessed by a healthcare professional and/or supplemented with
additional physiological data.
In cases where the RR limits on the RS Device are determined to be inappropriate for a patient, the
limits can be change. To change the default threshold settings to be used on all subsequent new
patients, see
Section 5
Configuration and Advanced Features - Set Default Thresholds
To deal with alarm scenario:
Manually check patient in accordance with normal hospital procedures to ensure there is
no acute need by the patient. If patient does not require immediate attention, proceed to
pause alarm.
To pause the alarm, interact with RS Device on patient in accordance with this section.
A confirmation window will appear prompting the user to pause the alarm.
In scenario where no signal is being received from the Sensor a “Check Device Hardware”
test will subsequently be displayed and a flashing White LED will display on the Lobe. See
Section 6 - Troubleshooting
The above sequence pauses the alarm but it does not terminate it. If the respiratory
rate threshold limits are exceeded at a later time, the Lobe can emit an alarm again.