Go to the “Advanced” page then click the menu “Database”
“Management” to
display the Management page.
To view the management records:
The list shows the Management log you have done for a certain channel in a period
of time.
1. Select the Channel from the dropdown list.
2. Define the time period by selecting the time period in “Y/M/D to Y/M/D”
dropdown lists.
3. Click “Search” button, and the list below will show the Management log you
have done for the channel during that period.
Record View
Go to the “Advanced” page then click the menu “Database”
“Record View” to
display the page of Record View.
To select a record to play:
1. Click the “Record picker - Calendar” button
to enter the “Record picker -
Calendar” window.
2. Click on the date you want to review in the calendar. The dates with video
records are displayed in bold fonts.
3. Select the time period from the list on the right.
4. You may check or uncheck the “Play all records after the selected record”
option. Click “OK” and the window will play the recorded video one by one.