Section 6. Frequently Asked Questions
PlexCombo 20/10/40-12A Installation and Users Manual
What causes buffer underrun errors?
Recording CDs requires a source device to provide an uninterrupted stream of data.
A buffer underrun occurs when the data stream is interrupted. This can occur if:
You do not have BURN-Proof enabled in your software or your software
does not support this feature.
Another application interrupts the writing process.
The write speed is set higher than the source drive can supply data.
The computer has insufficient RAM (random-access memory).
You are using poor quality discs, scratched discs, discs with fingerprints, or
badly manufactured discs.
Buffer underrun errors are not a problem with the PlexCombo 20/10/40-12A, thanks
to its remarkable BURN-Proof technology. To eliminate buffer underrun errors,
simply make sure BURN-Proof is enabled in the recording software. Some software
packages, such as Roxio’s Easy CD Creator, have BURN-Proof support for the
PlexCombo drive permanently on, while other software allows the user to select
whether it is on or off.
Can I use a DVD player as a source for audio recording?
In general, DVDs are a poor source for audio extraction. If you do want to use
another DVD player for audio extraction to the PlexCombo, if possible do not install
it on the same IDE cable as the PlexCombo. (Note that in some instances DVDs will
not work as anything other than a Master; in such cases, you’ll have to install your
PlexCombo as a Slave. This is not ideal, but it will work.)
Can I play all DVDs in my PlexCombo 20/10/40-12A?
A code on each DVD allows it to be played only on players designed for a certain
regional area, such as North America, Europe, etc. Your PlexCombo 20/10/40-12A
has an internal setting to correspond to the desired region.
When the drive ships there is no region code set. The first time a DVD that has a
region setting is inserted into the PlexCombo drive, it sets the drive to that region
code. If you later insert a DVD with a different region code, you are prompted to
either accept changing the region code or not. If you don’t accept the change, then
that DVD will not play. If you do accept the change, then the PlexCombo’s region
code setting is changed. But remember: you can change the PlexCombo drive’s
region code only 5 times. After that, you can’t change it any more.