4.3.2 Light protection cover
The surface of the unit must be cleaned and disinfected if it is contaminated
or visibly soiled.
Disinfect the light protection cover using a disinfectant before and after
placement; the manufacturer recommends FD 333 forte wipes
(virucidal), FD 350 (limited virucidal activity) and FD 322 premium wipes
(limited virucidal activity)
Allow the light protection cover to completely dry before using it
4.3.3 Image plate
Cleaning and disinfection wipes are unsuitable for cleaning image plates and
may cause damage to them.
Only use a cleaning agent that is compatible with the materials: the
manufacturer recommends the image plate cleaning wipe (see section
"Consumables" on page 9). Only this product has been subjected to material
compatibility testing.
Heat or humidity will damage the image plate.
Do not steam sterilise the image plate.
Do not immersion-disinfect the image plate.
Only use cleaning agents that are compatible with the materials.
Soiling on both sides of the image plate should be cleaned off with a soft,
lint-free wipe prior to every use
Remove resistant or dried on dirt with the image plate cleaning wipe
When doing this, observe the instructions for use for the cleaning wipe.
Allow the image plate to completely dry before using it
4.3.4 Storage box with image plate storage tray
Clean and disinfect the surface of the storage box and the internal image
plate storage tray in the event of contamination or visible soiling.
The manufacturer recommends the following disinfectant for the storage
FD 366 sensitive
The manufacturer recommends the following disinfectants for the image
plate storage tray:
FD 350
FD 366 sensitive
Observe the following cleaning and disinfection practices:
Clean the surface of the storage box and the image plate storage tray
with a soft, lint-free cloth that has been dampened with cold tap water
Disinfect the storage box using a disinfection wipe; alternatively, use
disinfectant on a soft, lint-free cloth
Disinfect the image plate storage tray using a disinfection wipe
Alternatively, the image plate storage tray can be treated in a thermal
disinfector or steam steriliser
Do not exceed a temperature of 134°C when doing this.
4 Usage
50 Planmeca ProScanner 2.0
User's manual