40 Planmeca Proline EC Panoramic X-ray
User's manual
14.1Help messages
The following is a list of the help messages. These
messages appear on the Main display if a key is
pressed that has no function, or if the function is not
allowed for some reason. The help message disap-
pear automatically when you release the key.
14.2Error codes
The Planmeca X-ray incorporates a self-checking fea-
ture that continually monitors the operation of the unit.
If there is a malfunction the unit will immediately stop
and an error code will appear on the console display.
Press the Control key to clear the error code from the
display and check from the error list what you can do
to correct the error occurred. Turn off the unit first for
30 seconds, try again without the patient and the film
cassette. If the error is still present, please contact
your service technician and report the error code with
any other symptoms. Process also the film and exam-
ine it to see if it is completely exposed.
Help code
Help message explanation
HE 0
The key has no function in this mode.
HE 1
The key has no function with the control key.
HE 2
The error code must first be cleared from the display
by pressing the control key.
HE 6
The temple support motor has been inactivated.
The support movement does not operate.
HE 8
The child mode can not be selected in double TMJ
exposure mode.
HE 10
The X-ray unit is busy, wait until the previous func-
tion is completed.
Er 00
You removed your finger from the remote exposure button before the unit had com-
pleted the exposure cycle. Remove the partially exposed film from the cassette, place
a fresh film in the cassette and take another exposure. If the error reappears, even
when you hold the exposure button down for the duration of the exposure, call your
service technician.
Er 01
Short loss of power or drop in line voltage. If this occurs during an exposure remove
the partially exposed film, place a fresh film in the cassette and take another exposure.