Planmeca Proline EC Panoramic X-ray 1
User's manual
The Planmeca Proline EC X-ray unit uses panoramic
and cephalometric techniques to produce X-ray
images for the diagnosis of dentomaxillofacial anat-
omy. The unit is allowed to be used only under super-
vision of a dental/health care professional.
This manual describes how to operate the Planmeca
Proline EC Panoramic X-ray unit. Please read these
instructions thoroughly before using the unit.
Planmeca Proline EC panoramic X-ray fulfills the
requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC.
This manual is valid for software revisions: PK
6.50 or later and PG 6.50 or later.
This X-ray unit may be dangerous to both
patient and operator unless safe exposure
values are used and correct operating proce-
dures are observed.
Federal law restricts this device to sale by or
on the order of a dentist
All key illustrations indicate that the key should be
pressed or, where indicated, pressed and held down.
Pressing a key will either switch a function on or off,
depending on the original setting, or change the value.
The display values shown in this guide are only exam-
ples and should not be interpreted as recommended
values unless otherwise stated.
The exposure values given in these instructions are
based on Kodak Ektavision green sensitive film and
Kodak Ektavision screens. If you are using a different
film and screen combination you may have to use dif-
ferent exposure values.
The exposure values required to produce good X-ray
images will vary considerably according to the build
and age of the patient, the film processor used and
processing procedures being followed. Therefore, the
exposure values given in this guide are average val-
ues and are only meant to guide the user. Users are
encouraged to develop their own radiographic tech-
niques based on these values.