Planmeca Proline EC Panoramic X-ray 9
User's manual
Main display
In normal operation the current time will appear on the
main display. If the unit malfunctions an error code will
be displayed. See section “14.2 Error codes” on page
40 for a list of error codes and their meanings.
Panoramic mode selection key
Press and hold down the panoramic mode selection
key when you want to enter the panoramic mode. Hold
down the key until you have heard two audible signals:
one when you start to press the key and one when the
panoramic mode is entered. Taking a panoramic expo-
sure is described in section “8 PANORAMIC EXPO-
SURE” on page 17.
The text PAn is briefly shown on the Main display.
When the unit is switched on it is in the pan-
oramic mode.
The text P 10 is shown on the main display
when you are in the temporomandibular joint
exposure mode.
Return key
Press the return key after an exposure has been taken
to drive the rotating assembly back to the ready posi-
tion and cassette carriage to the loading position. The
return key can also be used to drive the cassette car-
riage from the ready position to the loading position.
Note that the rotating assembly can be set to return
automatically to the ready position, see section “11.2
Automatic cassette carriage return” on page 31.
Ready key
Press the ready key to drive the cassette carriage and
the rotating assembly to the ready position. The tem-
ple supports will close, if they are not already closed,
and the ready indicator light will come on.
The automatic closing of the temple supports
can be switched off, refer to section “11.4 Au-
tomatic closing of the temple supports” on
page 33.
Cassette carriage in
loading position
Cassette carriage
in ready position