1. Connect the LAN: You can connect the BLW-04EX to your PC, or to a
hub or switch. Run Ethernet cable from one of the LAN ports on the rear
of the B LW-04EX to your comp uter’s network adapter or to another
network device. You can also connect the BLW-04EX to your PC (using
a wireless client adapter) via radio signals. Position both antennas on the
back of t he BLW-04EX into the desi red positions . For m ore eff e c t i v e
coverage, you may want to position one antenna along the vertical axis
an d the other ant enna along th e horizont al axi s. (The antennas emit
si gnals al ong th e t oroid al plane – and t hus prov ide more eff e c t i v e
coverage when positioned along alternate axes.)
2. Connect the WAN: Prepare an Ethernet cable for connecting the BLW-
04EX to a cable/xDSL modem or Ethernet router.
3. Power on: Connect the power adapter to the BLW-04EX.
2-3. Connecting the BLW-04EX
Basic Installation Procedure
You must meet the following minimum requirements:
Internet access from your local t elephone company or Internet Service
Provider (ISP) using a DSL modem or cable modem.
A PC usi ng a fixed IP address o r a dynam ic IP address assigned via
DHCP, as well as a gateway server address and DNS server address from
your service provider.
A computer equipped with a 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 10/100 Mbps Fast
Ethernet card, or a USB-to-Ethernet converter.
TCP/IP prot ocols i nstall ed o n each PC t hat will acces s the Internet .
A Java-enabled web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or
above, or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or above, installed on one PC at
your site for configuring the BLW-04EX.
The BLW-04EX can be positioned at any convenient location in your office
or home. No special wiring or cooling requirements are needed. You should,
however comply with the following guidelines:
Keep the BLW-04EX away from any heating devices.
Do not place the BLW-04EX in a dusty or wet environment.
You shoul d also remember to turn off t he power, remove the power cord
from the outlet, and keep your hands dry when handling the BLW-04EX.
System Requirements
Connect System