C ongratul ati ons on your purchase of a Barricade™ Wirel ess Cabl e/DSL
Broadband Router. PCI is proud to provide you with a powerful yet simple
communication device for connecting your local area network (LAN) to the
Internet. For those who want to surf the Internet at the lowest possible cost,
the BLW-04EX™ is the convenient, easy solution.
About the BLW-04EX
The BLW-04EX provides Int ernet access t o mult iple users by sharing a
single-user account. The BLW-04EX features a WAN interface that allows
you t o connect either a DSL or cabl e modem. The B LW-04EX provides
extensive firewall protection services.
The BLW-04EX provides many cost-effective functions and management
benefits. It is simple to configure and can be up and running in minutes.
Internet connection to DSL or cable modem via a 10/100 Mbps WAN port
Local network connection via 10/100 Mbps Et hernet ports or 11 Mbps
wireless interface (supporting up to 128 mobile users)
8 0 2 . 11 b C om pl i ant – i nt erop erab le wi t h m ul t ip l e v end ors
Pr ovi d es s eaml ess roam i ng wit h in 802 .11 b WLA N env iro nm ent
DHCP for dynamic IP configuration, and DNS for domain name mapping
Fi rewal l wi th St ateful Pack et Ins pecti on, cl ient pri vi leges, hacker
prevention, DoS, and NAT
NAT also enables multi-user access with a single-user account, and virtual
server functionality (providing protected access to Internet services such
as web, mail, FTP, and Telnet)
User-definable application sensing tunnel supports applications requiring
multiple connections
Chapter 1
About the BLW-04EX
Features and Benefits