Transmission Rate: Set the data rate transmitted from the BLW-04EX. The
l ower the data rate, the longer the t ransmissi on distance. (Default: Full y
B asi c R ate: Select “All (1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps)” from the drop-down l ist t o
optimize the data transfer speed for your network. (Default: 1, 2Mbps)
C hannel: The radio channel through whi ch the B LW-04EX communicates
to PCs in its BSS.
(Default: “Auto”)
T he avail able ch an nel sett ings are li mit ed to l ocal regu lati ons, whi ch
determine the number of channels that are available.
Wireless Configuration
To configure the BLW-04EX as a wireless access point for wireless clients
(either stationary or roaming), all you need to do is define the radio channel,
the Service Set identifier (SSID), and encryption options.
You must specify a common radio channel and SSID (Service Set ID) to be
used by t he BLW-04EX and al l of yo ur wi rel ess cli en ts. B e sure you
configure all of your clients to the same values.
S S I D : The Service Set ID. This should be set to the same value as other
wireless devices in your network.
Note: The SSID is case sensitive and can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric