If “Obtai n an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address
automatically” are already selected, your computer is already configured for
DHCP. Click “Cancel” to close each window, and skip to “Step 2. Disable
HTTP Proxy” on page 5-25.
7. Select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and then select “Obtain
DNS server address automatically.” Then click “OK.” Click “OK” or
“Close” to close each window.
TCP/IP Configuration Setting
IP Address ____.____.____.____
Subnet Mask ____.____.____.____
Primary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Default Gateway ____.____.____.____
4. Click “Properties.”
5. Double-click “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).”
6. All the information that you need to record is on the “Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties” dial og box. Use t he spaces below to record the