Passwords can contain from 3–12 alphanumeric characters and are not case
If your password is los t, or you cannot gain access to the us er interface,
press the Reset button on the rear panel (holding it down for at least five
seconds) to restore the factory defaults (default is “0000”).
T ime Zone
Set s the time zone for the BLW-04EX. This informat ion is used for l og
entries and client access control.
Domai n Nam e Servers map num eri cal IP address es to t he eq uival en t
domain name (e.g., www.planex.com.tw). Your ISP should provide t he IP
address of one or more domain name servers. Enter those addresses on this
Password Settings
Use this menu to restrict access based on a password. By default, there is no
password. For securit y you shoul d assign one before exposing the BLW-
04EX to the Internet.