The page includes the following settings
Current Firmware Version
Choose File
hard disk
The following procedure will guide you
Step 1. Click the Choose File button to locate the firmware file path. Then, click
Step 2. The firmware checksum information appear
confirmed, click the Upgrade button to begin the upgrade process.
Step 3. Wait for the process until it is
User Manual of WAP
Figure 4-45 Firmware Upgrade
The page includes the following settings:
Click ON to enable or click OFF to disable the option.
Click Choose File to locate and select the upgrade file from your local
hard disk.
Click Upload to upgrade the firmware.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure
you to how to upgrade the firmware.
button to locate the firmware file path. Then, click the Upload
The firmware checksum information appears to help you confirm whether
button to begin the upgrade process.
is finished.
to disable the option.
locate and select the upgrade file from your local
Upload button.
the file is correct. Once