User Manual of WAP-500N/WBS-500N
Figure 4-17 WAN Settings – Static IP
The page includes the following specific settings in Static IP type:
Account Name (if required)
Enter the account name provided by your ISP.
Domain Name (if required)
Enter the domain name provided by your ISP.
The maximum transmission unit (MTU) specifies the largest packet size
permitted for an internet transmission. The factory default MTU size for
static IP is 1500. The MTU size can be set between 576 and 1500.
IP Address
Enter the device’s WAN IP address provided by ISP.
IP Subnet Mask
Enter the device’s WAN IP subnet mask provided by ISP.
Gateway IP Address
Enter the device’s WAN Gateway IP provided by ISP.
Click Accept to apply the setting.
Click Cancel to cancel the setting.