User Manual of WAP-500N/WBS-500N
often and consumes more bandwidth.
Specify the distance between the master AP and slave AP. Longer
distances may drop high-speed connections.
A part of the 802.11n standard that allows sending multiple frames per
single access to the medium by combining frames together into one larger
frame. It creates the larger frame by combining smaller frames with the
same physical source, destination end points, and traffic class (QoS) into
one large frame with a common MAC header. This option reduces the
number of packets, but increases packet sizes.
Wireless Traffic Shaping
Enable Traffic Shaping
Enable or disable the regulation of packet flow leaving an interface for
improved QoS.
Incoming Traffic Limit
Specify the wireless transmission speed used for downloading.
Outgoing Traffic Limit
Specify the wireless transmission speed used for uploading.
Total Percentage
Specify the total percentage of the wireless traffic that is shaped.
Specify the percentage of the wireless traffic that is shaped for a specific
Client Limit: This option is only available in AP and WDS AP modes.
Display the frequency of the device’s radio interface.
Click to enable the client limit function.
Max Client
Specify the maximum clients allowed to connect to the radio interface.
Click Accept to apply all changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the settings.