1.2 How the Zymatic Works
To heat the wort up to temperature, the Zymatic will bypass
the grain and hops in an area of the Step Filter called the Pass
Through. The Pass Through is the narrow area between the
Mash Compartment and the Adjunct Compartment. When
wort is heating up, it passes directly to the bottom of the step
filter, where it circulates through the drain and back into the
keg. The wort flow is controlled by the stepper (fluid) arm,
which is located above the step filter lid, in the Zymatic. The
Zymatic has been calibrated to keep the water level in the
bottom of the step filter below the grain and hops, so they are
only incorporated when the recipe calls for them.
Grains go in the mash compartment, where water is filtered
through the top and bottom mesh filter screens and
recirculated through the keg and Zymatic. This circulation
allows for temperature control.
Hops are boiled in cages in the Adjunct Compartment.
Each cage corresponds to a timed addition to the boil. The
cascading motion caused by the Adjunct Compartment
mimics manually adding hops to a boil pot. When a new hop
addition is added, the cascading motion allows the previous
addition to continue to boil, as well as the new addition