Technology Module TM StepDrive 1x24..48V/5A
MA 1303-A007 EN
8.4.2 Reaction to CPU STOP
The reaction to CPU STOP of the TM StepDrive can be predefined, depending on what is
more convenient for the system.
Set the reaction to
“disable power stage”, if the drive should be without current and there-
fore without torque.
Set “stop current of the power stage”, if the drive should be holding with stop current.
In addition, you can define whether a running positioning job is to be completed or can-
celled prematurely.
The reaction to CPU STOP
“disable power stage“ or “stop current of the power
stage“ is not a safe mode according to IEC61800-5-2 such as “Safe Torque Off”
(ST0) or similar. They are only aids to increase confidence in the system´s perfor-