Phihong USA Corporation • 47800 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 • Tel: 1.510.445.0100 Fax: 1.510.445.1678 or
Configuration Description
Table 5: Controller Setup
Controller Setup
Default Settings
The login administrator is a user defined
name that is used at login. Please write down
your new login name in a safe location for fu-
ture use.
The login password can be empty or 1-14
characters long. Please write down your new
password in a safe location for future use.
The password is also used while performing
SNMP Firmware updates.
IP Address
Four groups of numbers assigned by the net-
work server (DHCP mode Enabled) or User
defined (DHCP mode disabled)
Subnet mask
Four groups of numbers assigned by the
Network server (DHCP mode enabled) or
user defined (DHCP mode disabled)
Gateway address
Four groups of numbers assigned by the
Network server (DHCP mode enabled) or
user defined (DHCP mode disabled)
DNS Server
Four groups of numbers assigned to the net-
work server
DHCP Client
The default setting (Enable) sets the DHCP
client in Dynamic mode. Dynamic mode al-
lows the Network server to automatically as-
sign the IP address, subnet mask, and Gate-
way address.
If the DHCP client is set to disable the DHCP
client is set to Static mode. Static mode al-
lows the user to manual assign the IP ad-
dress, subnet mask, and Gateway Address.
Note: If the user manually assigns the IP ad-
dress, the DHCP client must be set to Dis-