Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
General specifications ..........................................9
Hazardous dust .................................................. 36
Hot surfaces on the air compressor ................... 23
In the event of a work stoppage / pause ............ 42
Index .................................................................. 69
Initial operation, filling the pump ........................ 25
Inserting the mixing shaft ................................... 58
Inserting the mixing tube cleaner ....................... 56
Intended use of air compressor ......................... 22
Intended use of fitting block ............................... 21
Interruption of work ............................................ 42
Keep the manual for later use ...............................8
Layout ...................................................................8
Main switch at position ....................................... 45
Maintenance ...................................................... 61
Maintenance plan .............................................. 62
Maintenance tasks ............................................. 63
Malfunctions ....................................................... 47
Material .............................................................. 27
Measures to be taken if there is a risk of frost ... 59
Measures to be taken in the event of a power
failure .............................................................. 45
Measures to be taken in the event of a water
supply failure .................................................. 44
Monitoring the machine ..................................... 37
Mortar hoses ...................................................... 39
Mortar pressure gauge ...................................... 36
Mortar pressure gauge ...................................... 27
Motor connecting cable for pump motor ............ 33
Opening the air tap on the spray gun ................ 41
Operating manual .................................................7
Operating modes ............................................... 17
Operating requirements ..................................... 11
Operation ........................................................... 31
Output values RITMO L plus B4-2wf ................. 10
Output values RITMO L plus SD6-3 .................. 10
Output values RITMO L plus SD6-3 soft ........... 10
Overview of air compressor DT4.8 230V ........... 16
Overview of control box RITMO L plus .............. 15
Overview of water manifold RITMO L plus ........ 16
Overview RITMO L plus ..................................... 13
Packaging .......................................................... 28
Packaging .......................................................... 30
Parts from accessories pack Item no. 0024644520
Periodic inspection ............................................... 7
Commissioning ............................................... 48
Disassembly ................................................... 67
Installation ...................................................... 48
Placing the machine on its rear .................... 57, 58
Potentiometer ............................................... 17, 38
Pre-existing damage on mortar hose ................. 51
Preparation AV3 ................................................. 25
Preparation of the machine ................................ 32
Preparing the mortar hoses ............................... 39
Presetting the water flow rate ............................ 35
Pressure reducing valve .................................... 63
Pressure switch on the compressor
.............. 64
Proper use of the machine ................................. 24
Protective equipment
Installation ...................................................... 48
Protective equipment for operators .................... 32
Pump motor selector switch ............................... 17
Pumping stopped / blockage .............................. 50
Purpose of air compressor ................................. 22
Purpose of fitting block ....................................... 21
Purpose of flowmeter ......................................... 21
Purpose of solenoid valve .................................. 21
Putting RITMO L plus into operation .................. 35
Putting the machine into operation .................... 38