Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
23 Preparation of pressure booster pump
(accessories) .............................................. 25
24 Initial operation, filling the pump ................ 25
24.1 Putting the pressure booster pump
into operation ..................................... 25
25 Brief description of RITMO L plus .............. 26
26 Material .......................................................... 27
26.1 Flow characteristics of RITMO L plus .. 27
27 Mortar pressure gauge ................................. 27
28 Safety regulations ......................................... 27
29 Transport, packaging and storage .............. 28
29.1 Safety instructions for transport ........... 28
29.2 Closing the motor tilt flange ................. 28
29.3 Closing the snap lock before transport 29
29.4 Transport checklist ............................... 29
29.5 Transport in individual parts ................. 29
29.6 Transport by car ................................... 30
29.7 Transportation of operational
machines ............................................ 30
30 Packaging ...................................................... 30
31 Operation ....................................................... 31
31.1 Safety ................................................... 31
32 Preparation of the machine ......................... 32
33 Connection to the 230V power supply ....... 33
33.1 Connection to power distributor ........... 33
33.2 Motor connecting cable for pump
motor .................................................. 33
33.3 Checking the dirt trap screen ............... 33
33.4 Water supply connection ...................... 34
33.5 Water from water barrel connection ..... 34
34 Switching on RITMO L plus ......................... 35
34.1 Putting RITMO L plus into operation .... 35
34.2 Presetting the water flow rate .............. 35
34.3 Watering the mixing zone .................... 36
35 Mortar pressure gauge ................................. 36
36 Hazardous dust ............................................. 36
37 DUSTCATCHER RITMO L plus SET ............ 37
plus SET ..................................................... 37
39 Filling the material hopper with dry
material ....................................................... 37
40 Monitoring the machine ............................... 37
41 Putting the machine into operation ............ 38
41.1 Checking the mortar consistency ........ 38
41.2 Switching on the RITMO L plus with
material .............................................. 38
42 Potentiometer ............................................... 38
43 Mortar hoses ................................................. 39
43.1 Preparing the mortar hoses ................. 39
43.2 Connecting the mortar hose ................ 39
44 Compressed air supply ................................ 40
44.1 Connecting the air hose ....................... 40
44.2 Connecting the spray gun .................... 40
44.3 Switching on the air compressor ......... 40
44.4 Switching on the vibrator ..................... 40
45 Applying mortar ............................................ 41
45.1 Opening the air tap on the spray gun .. 41
45.2 Interruption of work .............................. 42
45.3 In the event of a work stoppage /
pause ................................................. 42
45.4 Switching off the air compressor ......... 43
46 Remote control ............................................. 43
46.1 Using the remote control without
spray gun ........................................... 43
47 Working with pastes .................................... 43
47.1 Recommended accessories for
pastes ................................................ 43
47.2 Working with pastes............................. 44
48 Measures to be taken in the event of a
water supply failure ................................... 44
49 Shutting down RITMO L plus in an
emergency .................................................. 45
49.1 Emergency OFF switch ....................... 45