Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
End of shift / Cleaning
7 6 5
Fig. 103: Cleaning the spray gun
4. Remove fine plaster nozzle (5) from the spray gun.
5. Undo eye bolt (6) and pull air nozzle tube (7) out of the
spray head.
6. Open water outlet valve
Pos. 2 Fig. 102
, until the sponge ball
emerges at the spray gun.
7. Repeat this procedure several times in case of heavy soiling.
8. For different hose diameters, the mortar hoses should be
cleaned separately with the appropriate sponge balls.
9. Hose down spray gun with water jet.
10. Knock free air nozzle tube (7) with mandrel.
11. Switch on compressor and blow air nozzle tube free.
12. Reassemble spray gun.
54.5 Coupling the water hose
Fig. 104: Water hose
1. Couple water hose (1) to the mixing tube.
54.6 Clean mixing tube.
Fig. 105: Opening the motor tilt flange
There must not be any more material in
the material hopper or mixing tube.
1. Pull out 10-pole connector plug (1).
2. Open quick fastener (2).
3. Tilt motor to the side.
The housing must be closed with the protective
cover (3) during cleaning and transporting of the
motor (Protection against moisture and damage).
4. Remove the mixing shaft (4) and clean it.
5. Clean the mixing zone with a spatula.