Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
26 Material
26.1 Flow characteristics of RITMO L plus
The pump unit B4-2wf can be used with an operating pressure of up to 20 bar.
The pump unit SD6-3 can be used with an operating pressure of up to 25 bar.
The pump unit SD6-3 soft can be used with an operating pressure of up to 18 bar.
The minimum conveying distance depends mainly on how the material flows.
Fluid mortars, filling compounds and paints flow easily.
It is recommended to reduce the length of the mortar hose if you exceed an operating
pressure of 20 / 25 bar.
To avoid machine breakdowns and excessive wear on pump motor, mixing shaft and pump,
always use original PFT spare parts such as:
PFT rotors
PFT stators
PFT mixing shafts
PFT material hoses.
These components are compatible with one another and form a single constructive unit
together with the machine.
Failure to follow these recommendations will result not only in the voiding of the warranty,
but the quality of the mortar you are producing will also suffer.
27 Mortar pressure gauge
Fig. 44:
Mortar pressure gauge
For reasons of safety, the use of a mortar pressure
gauge is recommended.
PFT mortar pressure gauge
Benefits of the mortar pressure gauge:
Exact regulation of correct mortar consistency
Constant monitoring of correct conveying pressure.
Early detection of clogging or overloading of pump motor.
Produces zero pressure.
Contributes significantly to the safety of operating personnel.
Long lifespan for PFT pump components
28 Safety regulations
When performing any work, observe the locally
applicable safety regulations for mortar conveying
and spraying machines!